Placing an order: To place an order with QDOS, simply click on the item(s) you are interested in, choose the size/colour (where applicable) and add to basket. Your item(s) will show as a value on the top left of the home page, you can now either complete your order by clicking on the complete order button or continue shopping by chosing a category from the menu on the left of the home page.
Postage & Packaging: P&P costs will be calculated when items are added to your basket. NEXT DAY DELIVERY SERVICE : ~ Next Day Delivery Via Courier Service (Orders Must Be Placed Before 1pm on Day of Purchase to Qualify) *Please note this is a next working day service, therefore if you place an order on a Friday it would be delivered to you on the following Monday
Overseas Ordering: If you are ordering overseas, you can view all items in the required currency by simply clicking on the relevant currency converter located on the top right hand side on any page of the QDOS website. This will also show the correct shipping costs whilst browsing and ordering. (Note: all exchange rates are correct at the time of ordering)
Making changes to items in your basket: Click on View Basket (if you are not already in the view basket mode), you can now remove of change the quantities of items ordered then click on the update button to re-calculate.
Completing your order: If the basket page is already showing, simply click on the complete your order button underneath the basket details, alternatively click on the complete order button on the top right of the website.
Existing customers: login using your e-mail, address & password.
New Customers: FIll in your details using the fields shown and register.
Media Code: If you have a current media/discount code, please enter it in this field.
Alternative delivery address: 1st time orders must be delivered to the registered card address. You may chose an alternative delivery 7 days after your first order.
Proceed to payment: Click on Make Secure payment, this will then open a new secure payment window, please follow instructions provided.
3D secure, Verified by Visa/Mastercard - This is an extra security step to ensure you, the customer and ourselves are protected against fraudulent users. If you have already set up a verification password with your bank, please enter when prompted. Once payment has been completed you will be issued with an order number, which will also be sent to your e-mail address comfirming the order.
Dispatch e-mails are then sent once your item has been dispatched detailing the relevant carrier & tracking number where applicable.
Alternatively, if you prefer to place your order over the phone, please call us on (Uk) 01803 557973, Calling from outside Uk +44 1803 557973
Thank you for shopping with QDOS Cricket.